To love you. Means to let you go. Simply release all my feelings to find another to love.
No. You won't be forgotten. I'll always remember you. But it would be selfish to hold on to you. That seems to be, what prisoners wants to do?
They need a connection to the outside world. Or they go insane.
You've been everything I want. And gave unselfishly to me. But in this plight I'm in. I'm suggesting that you leave.
This is no Dear Jane letter. But a release to love another. With my very best blessing.
At first. You might fight this. Then again you might not. But once you think about it. You'll realize, why I loved you enough to do this?
It because you deserve more. Then I possible could give you. Be happy. Not sad. Be thankful. Not mad. For you might find the best man you ever had. Was the man that let you depart. While holding a deep affection for you in his heart.