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Sep 2018
I was born once.
An odd experience, to say the least.
Having all my memories
All my wisdom and acquired insight
Wiped clear in the womb,
And made a clean slate.
Born suddenly, or torn violently,
From oneness to duality;
From belonging
To bitter isolation.
Brave, brave, souls we were,
Courageous for choosing to come here,
To see if we could solve the puzzle.

The clean slate we are born with
Is built upon a foundation; a keystone,
If you will.
There is a code written
Deep inside what science has dubbed
The memories we lost still belong to us
The soul does not know time
Only experience.
Somewhere there's a place
Where emotion meets logic
Somewhere there's a place
Where science meets the human spirit
And the truth that everyone seeks
Is right there in the middle.

And to draw from the great Edgar Cayce,
"There is a river :)"
Written by
Matthew  35/M/Down south
(35/M/Down south)   
     Anne-Marie, Gabriele and ---
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