if I die today You wouldn’t know the decisions I made Nor would you know my secret desire to change You’d read the entries that I wrote But find no meaning in the scripted words For it resides in my deceased head So many stories to be edited And poems yet to be written So many hugs to give And kisses that were forbidden You wouldn’t know the fears I faced The dreadful night through which I was awake Or the anger I once held towards the world A world too blind to notice I was hurt You wouldn’t know the love I held For that specific shade of blue sky And that specific scent with no name That beautiful love I held for the world And for myself as well If I die today I would die full Of all what I was unable to give With my stories and poems My love and my kisses And my peculiar thoughts about a more peculiar world From which I gave to the world so little But don’t mourn me much For in that little that I gave I still reside. And I hope you will find me Every time you see that shade of a blue sky