If you could see life in my terms, The song in my heart over precarious waters we two mad cap ruffians of love Plucking the strings of Eros From guitars that are not our own And the song plays regardless Lifting our love higher and higher What wonderous sound the vibrato Upon catching the thrum in the air To kiss upon that half beat A stolen moment form a highjacked concerto Pulsing through our hearts In beauteous trothes of midnight madness When all the world is sleeping And we dance together Ethereal in our dreams Our pirated fates Aligned by birthright, Forged in opposite directions We at least have one small mercy, Appeasing our guiding stars through the thrum on the wind Aligning in love upon the sails of pain each scar knitted in the fabric of our being Let us ever meet in songs of love Shipwrecked by our agreement to the symphonia of our hearts, Through the ever winding winds of love.