This one is for my pretty girls For the girls who count calories And tell their friends they aren’t hungry So they can see their pretty bones This one is for my pretty girls The girls who sit shaking on their bathroom floors With pain in their hearts and knifes in their hands So they paint pretty marks on themselves This one is for my pretty girls Those who were born boys And get slammed into lockers and yelled slurs at Yet still try their hardest to be One of the pretty girls they’re meant to be This one is for my pretty girls The ones who always looks uncomfortable in class Sitting by the man who makes them queasy So they don’t make a pretty fuss This one is for my pretty girls Who sneak out to pride parades And ignore the word *** tattooed into their binders So they could love other pretty girls This one is for my pretty girls Whose arms flinch when grabbed And bodies shudder when voices raise So they can be daddy’s pretty girl This one is for my pretty girls Who don’t talk about after parties And don’t tell their friends or parents So they aren’t called pretty little ***** This one is for my pretty girls The ones who tempt fate and take pills Take jokes about hating themselves too far So they can try and get their pretty sleep This one is for my pretty girls The ones who cry out when they need help But no one answers because no one hears them And they can’t speak And they can’t breathe And there’s tears rolling down their cheeks But they do nothing This one is for my broken girls My girls like me This one is for my strong girls My girls that haven’t given up This one is for the pretty girls My beautiful, beautiful girls