I , yes I the traveller have long seeked the sun , moon and the clouds yet they again have slipped my gaze and only darkness covers my eyes . The story teller of the great God of “IAm “ about his tales should I tremble as I listened with many others in the great hall , Speaking of a God who one day even his patience will like sand drift from his loving blood stained hands .
Begone with you for even i have to sleep and find comforts that no man should seek , let alone find , for the monsters of the deep loneliness , bitterness , and pride leave me captive in chains .
Sage if you see him tell him what might have been , and sorrys only purpose is love.
Please don’t burden me again with you’re story’s of woe my darkness is full of tempting visions and to sleep is to indulge .
What’s wrong with me my eyes are dim when they used to love the light and fair grounds with hymns and songs , tales from the book , the story tellers I must find and end this Blessed night .
Chain mail of Norman men rise from the river , skeletons of my past rattle like snakes in my head . When in sleep do they arose me and darken my forest in this cold winters night . Captive only to the light how my soul seeks rest from this besieged fortress , dare I surrender to my foe ?
Holy Spirit freeer of the night thy captors await thee , for this tale must end in heaven or hell . Look again the jailer comes and light once again must set me free .