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Aug 2018
The poem went oh, what a tangled web we weave.
When our purpose is to deceive.
Well, not exactly that way.
But slightly change to be accused of anything thief.

But the author of that phase must be talking about the redheaded fool.
And all the supporters standing behind him.

Mistress here, mistress there and most likely money was the catch that caught them.
We must nominate the redheaded fool as the best presidential player.

Clinton,  brother Bill the southern charmer got nothing on this New Yorker.
The redheaded fool is a known womanizer with wealth.

While one was exposed like *****.
The redheaded fool being at work in the game of cover-up.
People, in high places of position or gossip mags being covering for this crazy guy.

Makes, you wonder what are they trying to hide?
Trying to cover up with webs of deceit.
And the Republicans love to run on the family value myth more than the Dems.

And the fake evangelicals still support them.
Jesus, if on earth would be disturbed them.

Of course, Congress with their own dirt won't work to impeach this fool.
Cause it keeps the attention off of them.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
   Mark Tilford
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