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Aug 2018
where is the girl
that surrounded herself
with words and colors

just so she can fit in
so she can understand
this "cool" world she thought it was

until she found darkness
in her innocent mind and blank pages

she found the world so cold
that the people breath ice
instead of breath nice

she sees monsters
pretending to be angels
feed you with lies and hatred
till you filled with it

she sees the sun turn
into a bright fire
that melts you into your sins

she sees the night
as the morning
she never had
cause she's too busy thinking
that she forgot to sleep

she pretends to be another
so she be accepted
because the world
taught her to hate herself

she forgot her books
she left on the shelf
because she's too busy with reality

but she is wrong
totally wrong

the world wasn't cold
but the people are

the world is just a place
full of creatures
that sins and changes

but that girl is me
i am that girl that lost in the world
i thought i'd survive instead she get lost
in another universe called "reality"
it took me months to finally write this one!!!
Maya Shafiqah
Written by
Maya Shafiqah  19/F/Malaysia
   Mohamed Nasir
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