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Aug 2018
I’ve done something’s for which I can’t atone
Feeling like I am the stone
Skipping across the lake
I want to be alone, but I hate the distance
Honestly, I don’t what to think now
I know I’m not the best to be around
I thought I belonged in a coffin
I popped 20 pills and no could stop it
I thought for a second it’d be shocking
Believed these words weren’t enough
And I was done talking
Yet, I awoke and here I sit
Writing love poems to love
Where it seems fit
And my head is still a room
And it’s a mess
Finding Cupid’s arrows stomped in half
With scribbled words on ripped up papers
It’s the way I cope, and I hadn’t felt like myself in months
And I want to go far away from you
But, I don’t want to know how it feels
To be alone
But, I’m craving Everest
Vinnie Brown
Written by
Vinnie Brown  Iowa
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