Shadows may lurk in silence still light shines from within, through sorrow and stride, light's glow continues bright, strength of mother roams in her wilderness of dreams and promises, she comforts spirit, she lays her hand over forests of burnt trees and shed's her tears with the breeze.
'Where has my beauty gone' she sadly speaks, floating along area's of mass destruction. 'No more shall beauty cometh down in glories rays' she speaks again weeping soft rain upon her destroyed planet earth.
Once their was plenty, now fire blooms like flowers without fresh morning dew, touched, with shallow eyes, watching darkened hearts grow cold with fear, to see what they have done. They have lite the match of destruction, and turned away from a could of been 'Paradise'.
Sun fading fast, clouds cry like tears of dusty suet, no more shall light shine it's beauty upon planet earth like once when air was fresh-- now life may begin a new in a different place and time.