She walked with her shadow, along the grassy lanes, peace filled mind she picked sugar plums among the wild flowers and berries, never had she felt so at home among natures beauty...Now with pen in hand she writes down her feeling, how she came about to feel at peace.. each drop that fell upon her face in the fresh summer rain, was like candy pure and fresh...
She spend her summers among God's beauty, and winter among the rushed crowds, working to save enough for her summers by a lake shimmering with diamonds, when the moon was full...Her paradise she called it.. she roamed free for three months, swam in the streams by the great Niagara, wrote her feelings down in her journal of life, (her diary of feeling), she named it..
She never felt so worthy of God's love when she roamed among nature, she caressed nature tenderly, her love of loves, giving her a song only she heard from within. her little bit of heaven on earth..