on the verge of tears every day facing my pain requires courage but am i strong enough to pull myself OUT of the PIT that is my mind when i die, where will my soul go where will i call home and •do i have a soul•
let me start over. i am on a cliff but the thing is i climbed it i’m strong, i know this, but everything EVERYTHING requires will true grit a backbone but the thing is that •i lack a spine•
okay again i’m on a cliff. have you ever had a dream you were flying ? i’m about to jump, i’m just hoping i’ll fly i just want to feel that feeling but this cliff, it turns out, is myself and i can’t let myself go •i can’t experience ego death•
i’ve apparently overcome a lot in this lifetime when people hear the first few years of my life they tell me things like that i know i’m strong but what i’m trying to say is that •my entire life has felt like i’m on a cliff•
and lately i’ve just felt on the verge of tears i want to feel relief, and drugs do that for a bit but i wish if i jumped i would fly just. feel that, you know ? but the closest i’ll get •is jumping•
8 - 15 - 18 btw i’m drunk and high and i’m watching 13 reasons why