Our existence incites them when They want to make things right again By making America white they can Recapture all they had back then When the people they despised Were separated from their national ties And were either enslaved or marginalized Then swatted down like a pack of flies
Is it that hard for you to see? Why they fear people who look like me People they once hung from a tree But were able to withstand their treachery Soon they’ll be among the minority In this homeland, of the free So they’re afraid of what might be When others hold the unlocking key
Lets make America great again Appears to be a synonym For making it white yet they pretend That it’s not when they can But what they want is hegemony Over everyone else that they see Who are yellow, brown or black like me But they can’t defy their destiny
The Bible said it hard and fast One day the first will be the last Now it appears the dye’s been cast But they’re still living in the past They want back those Halycyon days When we indulged their errant ways Before we married off the gays Though nothing like that permanently stays