We named our brothers ****** Boy John We shoveled indifference with our ignorance Into the grave of civility and brotherhood The white family – we are the majority in the school of intolerance Leading to social starvation A minority of one is not wrong or mad One is the last line before an infinite sea of negative Under God we are all equal and even I hope we’ve cracked the whip for the last time One more might sound louder than Judas’s kiss on Jesus’s cheek Whips of words are seen holstered On the tips of tongues and the points of pens If the worth of your values breaks, and dogmatic hate begins to leak Then stick the gum of pride you’ve been chewing on for years To protect whatever you have left Dr. King was an inspired man and leader He painted the pages of history with red, not black Sacrificed his blood, while accepting his skin It was the kind of idea that seemed too extreme Never forget the words: **“I HAVE A DREAM!”