A BEAUTIFUL PREGNANT WOMAN ( In Australia ) A beautiful within attractive pregnant woman Her partner decides to end it all right then With the blunt end of an ax killed her and baby Jailed for life fed clothed taught a trade till when If a dog bights a child on any day they shoot it This angels life is over her family suffer always Bring back the electric chair rope or needle An eye for an eye in religious books it says Me , I'd tie him to a tree on an ants nest Pour honey all over him just to be kind Sit back if I was her family with a wine Allow him to suffer as they heart and mind Everybody knows right from wrong in life If not happy he could have walked away Put these mongrels out of their missery Capital punishment for these crimes to pay Don't any talk to me of forgiveness and love Religions tried it on Jesus as he didn't agree With their holier than thou as if once cross No talk of forgiveness for these crimes to me