Cigarettes and lovers Are basically the same You're addicted You always need more of it While they Harm you Your health You may not know it **** that You know it for sure But you still go in For more The more you give The lesser you seem to get Till there's only That useless Filter You're addicted You can't seem to let go Maybe you can But that will cause pain And you're not ready for it So you say That tomorrow I will quit And that Is a lie That you say to yourself Perpetually No matter how much you put in It burns down And all that remains Is smoke and ashes And a gaping hole That will **** you slowly Eventually Slowly But it will Quit it while you have the chance Stub it on the bottom of your foot And walk away The pain of walking away However Will **** you as well Joke's on you Either way You were the one who chose to start You were the one Who initiated the ignition So be ready Be prepared To watch it all Go up In smokes and ashes