History A simple Story To thine own Self Be True The Path Leads Upward There are many approaches To the Summit. But only One can Attain it at a Time Each must lighten The load to Make it To that Final Place Where Heaven takes Us Up Anti Gravity!
Along The Way to Supreme individuality: Collectivities That demand Our First Loyalties be to the Group will Fear and distrust The One Who's First Loyalty is to The True Self So the final Assent leads by way of Crucifixion Christ is the Logo The Icon of the True Self of All Everyone is on The Way. Honor your Mother And Father Raise them Up For Salvation is of The Blood Your Blood
It is in the Overcoming of Every Fear that Prevents Man from Being Good. Towards Love In Love We are all ascending Why? Because it is Wonderful The Most Wonderful Experience of All To Be Good To Know That You are a Child Of God...Inheriting Eternal Life as Your Birthright. Bon Voyage -Mes Amis Fellow Travelers It is a Voyage Well Worth Taking Once...You Must Forgive me If I repeat Myself I am of Old
First typed while listening to RIck Steves on PBS " Making Travel A Political Act" Thanks Rick