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Aug 2018
the last male northern white rhino dies.
his tusk and skin, for the first and only time,
out of danger to be stolen in that unfair and clandestine way.
his DNA now in a vile.
he could no longer mount,
and she, though still spring in glory,
could no longer support the moment
his majesty was not able to perform.
a gentle giant is his legacy.
extinction his last and dying breath.

how could we harm such peaceful a creature?
the might of man has torn
yet another
piece of god's only will
from this earth.
will you tonight
dream of the creature?
who among us will know his name tomorrow?
Sudan, the great and gentle.
Sudan, the only northern white male rhino.
SU-DAN, who only in death
is free of man the beast.
still feels like it needs work
Written by
joe thorpe  36/M/cape cod
(36/M/cape cod)   
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