why don´ t they just make a machine that does our living,lily,darling, save a lot of messing..
we live all these years and then slowly our memory depletes them (though they say all memory lives within..)
if we were programmed at the beginning some kind of limiting of emotion ambition etc..
alpha to epsilon brain washing soma..
*** but no reproduction endless fun order..
is belonging art gone the way sure..
simple dogma love or go love..
lily says love is meaningless unless we are ready to
die.. who is.. would i..
i stood high to the very
devil.. fall over weebil..ha..
but to die and see sun rise no more..
little bird sing in
the silent dawn sweet voice
eternal greeting.. blithe angel o children
of the future.. messenger of the gods..
loyal gaurdian to ever and never..
outside and know a silent cosmos..
be born anew to heart be found..?
through-out the poem are references to the brilliant novel brave new world.for which i make no apology but as a mark of respect to great talent of aldous huxley..