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Jul 2018
Let me brush the hair from your face,
And caress your warm soft cheek.
As I whisper love-words in your ear,
And feel you by me, warm and near.

I do so softly, so as not to wake,
Or disrupt the night-spell's magic.
I want to feel your breath so soft,
The angels' wings upon it loft.

A tear so softly wets my cheek,
My breath is drawn in deep.
From my lips a prayer is spoken,
That this spell will not be broken.

Of all the gifts that God has given
So many not deserved,
To this one alone I will hold fast,
Until I breathe my very last.
Written by
Cecil  69/M/The Meadows
(69/M/The Meadows)   
       Khoisan, Boi, ---, ---, Fawn and 1 other
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