Old fellow old fellow where for art thou old fellow
I'm in t'shed wi whippet and tin bath his filthy from his walk on t'crags you should ha seen him what a laugh chasing through t'mud a plastic bag
Oh Fred you said it were too wet to go a walking on t' pit top your boots are caked in mud I'll bet oh I bet thy breath sticks high of pop
Quiet woman can you not see I'm as sober as a judge so get yer back to makin t'tea as I wash off me boots of sludge
She is the moan this northern lass that makes me old heart flutter but just one more word of disrespect and I'll head in there and nut her
He is the pain makes me old heart ache and the one that brings me t'laughter but I'll **** him soon as look at him if he don't respect that I'm a grafter
Teas on t'table drippings hot there's fresh bread in the oven by heck lass that there's real class I love yer, yers a good un
So no Romeo nor Juliet just honest homely folk whom now the worth of mother earth and the value of a joke
Let's leave em be in kitchen warm wi the humblest of fayre for Yorkshire folk are t'salt of earth and I know coz I live there.
T' is the as in the bed t'bed, sludge is thick wet mud, pit top the **** heap, wi is with