Along the path of grass a legend grows for who skips along the path in early spring A bird of prey will dive landing on your shoulder He will calm the savage beast rolling deep his eyes will guide you to this land forever this place known as legends promise..
If you walk the path in the summer all is silent when the moon becomes full owls stir restlessly don't forget legends promise it lives true if you place a flower under a willow tree all hearts will never be broken when love enters..
Many legends live true in the world of fantasy some believe they are not true just make believe in the eyes of the Indian all you see and feel is good it is when you run away that shadows appear never directly face the sun in a month you shall suffer so if the moon hides behind a cloud in summer it means your winter will be long and cold..
Amongest each path you travel a legend grows there is not knowing that one shall always believe it is never wise to turn your back when it rains softly If you cannot enjoy a soft rain it will hail the next time so collect your thoughts let them float like bubbles there is more truth then you know..