We were kissing each other’s memories as if they were scars This is brutal Just one big tangle of broken down cars and late nights and hating your guts
You’re holding my hands This was all some strange dance of muscles that I’ve never seen before but could somehow execute flawlessly You were staring straight into my eyes and I still missed you Not like you were running too fast, But I ached like you fell into ashes without even a fire for me to grieve
When we kissed, I went home and cried
So this hurts This hurts like loving a child you can’t have Or watching your garden die Or ripping out an IV when you’re having a nightmare I needed that IV
This time, when your heart aches When you’re kissing me but you’re not in love When you leave for work in the morning without saying good bye... I’m sorry, I can’t do this
You were not something broken for me to piece back together And I was not something fragile for you to break
When I was in love, it killed me And now that I’m not, all I do is sit here, Tearing my ribcage open When I was dying, I saw angels
I was bleeding I can barely remember, but it usually goes something like this You were a little too late, And just not sorry enough So I let go of the arm of the sofa I woke up in your bed The only scars on my arm were lipstick stains
I always struggle to write abuse stories where a female is the abuser, even though I know that it happens. I hope this can connect to people who haven’t been reached by my poems before. Please comment.