it is a (my) three day weekend it is now Saturday late morning
Friday night we went to Joe’s Pub, you could look it up, to hear marvelous stories and marvelous singing
then full stop
homeward bound (apologies Paul), we swap Lulus for p.j.’s, and alliterative alternatives
after having bathed and showered alternatively alternatingly debatingly the meritocratic merits of bathing methodologies and our respective but not respectable technological techniques and sundry technicalities are peaceable declared tied
we have not left the confines of public globalist bedding since thenning, and no plans for departeeing not even for meals or anythinging
(ok, barbecue chicken not cool to eat in bed)
multitasking multiplayering music, poetry, Sunday NY Times, action movies non-stop, even napping, anything i want, as I am the only worker bee celebrating a workless Mondayee
periodically and often, I kiss the knuckles on either of her hands
and we laugh at my joking insistence for she vociferously denies,
most badly connives, that she is (with a pronounced hard K) K-nulcking under to my every demand as she is equally guiltily and capable of excellent excessive leadership in the art of slumbering parteeying, ergo all good
we still have Monday to resolve an unraging debating, this unurgent knuckle biting questioning