Arresting artificial bloom from a make believe garden, Oh! magalomaniacal face of ill gotten glamour, ribald queen of the kitsch, with endless variety in store, age, cannot wither your, unmistakable garish taste- or sadistic delights, each you do organize is outrageous, than the one before, no doubt, how do you manage?
I'll forget all those in an instance, but, that kiss, oh! that, the one you gifted, to show you were pleased utmost, stealthily away from the eyeshot of your posse of lovers, other cannibals and party animals, under the darkened staircase, was the last godforsaken straw; what a poor camel can do? if you so desire, beggars, never were the choosers, you'd tell yourself, in a self congratulatory note, that much I am aware, my dear tormentor!