My eyes are wide open My eyes might be tear stained They might be puffy and red But I will no longer turn a blind eye I will no longer let the world go blind "An EYE FOR AN EYE makes the Whole world blind!" Or does anyone care anymore? Are we all THAT self-pitying and down on our luck? What price are we still willing to pay? For our food, for our health, for guns, or do we trade in lives now? It is time to Stop!
We should not have to cry everyday, we should not wait until our bodies hurt so bad that we can not take it any longer! We should be able to work in environments that encourage personal growth not just the bottom line. Why are the voices crying for help and change being silenced? Our great country was founded on good morals! I guess it is time to read the constitution again to make sure our forefathers and foremothers would not give us a swift kick in the *** today!