Laying on a bed I think I was asleep (I think) That was before the loud popping sounds started going off Oh right It's the fourth of July Our nations birthday I groan I get up I shuffle around looking for my glasses I then proceed to make a very loud Very annoying dying sound because I can't find them I sigh and go out into the backyard Watching Pop Burst Pop Burst Color Colour Color I would've felt something I know When I was smaller The sounds would've scared me But I like the loud bangs I still like The bursts of heaven that decided to come down from the sky Just for tonight My mind likes all of these things But a sheer bitterly cold layer of cynicism Is wrapped around my heart as if it were a glove So snug in fact That when my heartbeats It beats too I see a certain blue And I'm now walking up the road of my past My subconscious being the gateway To forgotten and even suppressed memories The stardust dew of a violent red brings back the sound Of tires screeching on pavement I jump looking behind me as if I can see that exact car As if it were pulled from my memory Driver and all And woven back into the reality of the present Burst Pop Burst Pop Colour Color Colour I don't know when My memories started to come packed into exploding tubes For people to set off But I guess with this way I can't ignore my past when it's right above my head Burst Color Pop Colour Burst Pop Color