you and me; we're grey area. we're matches before they're lit. we're gasoline before it's spilled. we're words left unspoken. we're subjects left untouched.
you and me; we're dark matter. we're blackholes, unknown and frightening. we're stardust, lost and scant. we're the calm before the storm. we're the darkness before the dawn.
our hearts; they beat in harmony like the wings of a butterfly. so gentle and innocent, undoubtedly unaware of the hurricane miles away.
our eyes; they swallow one another like they don't know better. so fast and unforgiving, binging and purging, eating feelings as if they were pastries.
you and me; we're grey area. we're the comfort of not knowing. we're the benefit of the doubt. we're hearts left unscathed. we're misery left unfound.