even if things get better -even if they get good, we can never be the same.
even if i can reach a point when i can say "i love you" again, (which by the way i still do- even though mostly i wish i could stop.)
it can never be the same.
even though no mater what happens, i'll still care about you for some reason- and i'd never wish you ill, it will never be the same.
your name upon my lips will never be quite as special.
don't take comfort in any kindness i extend. that's just who i am. how i'll always be. i'm still taking everything in slowly.
i never yelled. or called you names.
not yet.
though i don't think i would- don't think i could- that's not who i am.
i've tried so hard.
i wish that you had tried just a little bit harder - a lot harder. it turns out you really didn't try very hard at all.
it shouldn't have been that easy to bury 4 years of me giving you everything i ever could and more. -for the love of god, you were the first girl i ever kissed.
that was in highschool. that seems like a long time ago.
i feel old.
i can never be the same.
i know you're sorry. i just don't know how to move on from here.