I might be having a bad day, but at least I am having a day when for so many this day is their last day in their journey of life and life is like an ocean, it can be calm, still, rough and rigid but in the end it is all beautiful and the best thing you can do is to believe in yourself.
Take it day by day and be grateful for every breath that you take and realize that you are not a product of your circumstances but a product of your decisions and recognize that along the way of your journey that sometimes you must fight a battle more than once to win it.
Have the courage to embrace dreams and the strength to sacrifice for them and the determination to fulfill them and don't wait around to do it because life goes by us so much faster than you think and in the end we are all just human and that should be enough.
Learn quickly that you alone are responsible for the quality of your life and when you decide that your life is your own that is when your life really begins so decide what you want and decide that there is no better time than right now to get it no matter where you are in the years of your life.
Nothing haunts us more than the things we didn't say or the things that we should have done but Hell is something that you carry around with you, not somewhere to go and sometimes we survive by forgetting what we should have said or done and find that courage is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow". Jon York 2018