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Jun 2018
(wait a minute)
borderlands edition

once fear
takes hold
it spreads like fire
all consuming
seemingly alive
and unstoppable.

i am not immune.

and neither are you.

i can almost hear
the horseman rattle
as the stampede decends

“the mexicans are coming!”

“Build a wall!”
“Man the **** deck!”
“Take the children!”

i’m no *****.
if the POTUS is screaming
to take cover from
i listen.
here’s the key, people.
don’t do it in any other order.
my elementary teachers
taught me about primary
and secondary sources.
i’ve been practicing
my entire life.

and i can tell you,
that immigration from the
southern border has been in
a steady decline for
a decade.

the POTUS’S own people
identified less than
200 ms-13 gang members caught
illegally going over the border.

immigrants are less likely
to commit crimes than
the rest of the population.

listen. - research -
and only then,
r e a c t

(thank christ for teachers)
a m a n d a
Written by
a m a n d a  42/F
   Arlen, Rick the shoe shine boy and H-B
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