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Jun 2018
I forgot to tell you,
When you were out of town
I sold my soul to the devil.

He was quick and proud
Found me kneeling on the ground
Now I'm promised to him forever.

Yes, he walked me down the lane
And he showed me all my shame
All my hope is a flower in the desert.
That devil said I can't come home to you.

Now your lots are in
So I'll confess my sin
Swear to god she could love you better.

I went and cast my line
Cause the devil said, "It's time"
But there's a deluge in the river.

He took me up the hill
Offered media and pills
All my hope is a flower in the desert.
That devil said I can't come home to you.
Written by
Julia  21/F/Montana
     Perry, sara and JL Smith
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