9mm that’s the size of a bullet fired by police, It could be in self-defence, It wouldn’t matter.
Cameras and press are pressed for time and need to get a front-page article out, “Chicago policeman shoots man” is what they go with Never mind that man killed three girls aged 10 – 12 but not before they were violently abducted. Police to avoid this happening to another child raided the house with the wallpaper faded. He shot at them first and when the policeman fired back he signed his resignation because no-one wanted to hear his apology in front of the whole nation.
NRA and the 2nd amendment are giving everyone an easy excuse, It’s written into the constitution therefore it must be okay, But let me tell you something real quick: Slavery was legal Segregation was legal Does that make it okay? And here is where we sit right now on that fine line of it being moral and it being legal