what poetry does one write to express the moment our eyes lock and our lips meet? more than anything it feels as though you're missing from me when we're apart and I wonder if my fingers have been looking to find yours in the dark all these years I still can't believe your body found mine or how you so easily and readily entered into my life which was so private and inacessible to anyone else since the beginning thirty years and no one but you could make me feel the moment bliss overflows in a way that felt caring and loving in a way that felt like it was just mine like you are just mine and even thinking about it now I can still feel a shiver of those rolling waves of pleasure through my body drunk with love slurring words while sober intoxicated by you I can't stop smiling between kisses I need another dose of you already wanting to feel you in my veins longing for you inside of me needing you in my life