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Jun 2018
Is it a mutual understanding
Is it logical
Is it a feeling
Is it tangible
Is it lust on steroids
Is it hype
Is it truth
Is it lies
Is it necessary
Is it healthy
Is it over-rated
Is it underestimated
Is it easy
Is it hard
Is it risky
Game of cards

Is it worthwhile
Does it hurt
Does it smile
Does it work
Is it jus a feeling.......maybe
But so is hate, lust and envy
Does it exist
Or is it a fairytale
Cuz I find it hard to believe Cupid is real
Is love some manifestation of some human imagination
Or is it a conseptualisation of some twisted interpretation
Whatever it is... It's impossible to explain
Yet people fall for it time and again
It's like a facade,
An oasis in the desert of hate
Better known as earth,
our very own planet
Desroy Reece
Written by
Desroy Reece  28/M/Barbados
       Fawn, Pauper of Prose and Asiah Mangham
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