Where will you find me Among the reeds of this red river Chopped up in pieces, never whole 'cause you were stolen from me
Will I overcome grief Whilst other try to overcome greed Feathers and souls under sand-littered ground As I stand a wanting god
You cry for me I hear you above me, I know No one benefiting our love No one knowing such is our loss
Look for me in the hand of the river Know my whole is completed by you Feather and soul, which is lighter None are more pure than our love
If you don't know the myth, Osiris was an Egyptian god who was married to Isis. Set, another Egyptian god, conspired to ****** him to claim Isis who, even after Osiris died, used a spell to bring him back to life. This angered Set so much, that he cut up Osiris into pieces and threw them into the Nile. Isis, ever the faithful wife, searched and found all of the pieces of her husband except for one. When the other gods saw this, they marveled at the love Isis had and resurrected Osiris, making him the god of the Underworld...