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Nov 2012
You want me to be Brutal                                     You want me to be Brutal

or do you want me to blunt.                                or do you want me to be blunt.

Disregard your feelings.                                        Realize your feelings.

Let me crush your soul.                                        Let me find your heart.

I'll show you the real me, once again.                I’ll show you the fake me, once again.

I just want to hurt you.                                         I just want to care for you.

Do you enjoy my truths?                                     Do you enjoy my lies?

I would speak truths upon truths for spite.      I would speak lies upon lies for love.

I'd share this poem.                                              I'd share this poem.

To break your spirit.                                             To embrace your spirit.

The truths only breaks you.                                The lies only breaks me.

I could never speak them.                                    I could always speak them.

I would fall to pieces.                                           I would fall to pieces.
She'll never see this so I can name it directly after her, but I didn't anyway(almost though). Only if I could change my feelings.
Michael Ryan
Written by
Michael Ryan  29/United States
(29/United States)   
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