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Jun 2018
I dreamt of a pale gloomy tree;
Soft puddled mud consuming the summer’s heat;
Somewhere from the heart of a woman;
Whose life hath ended to a wee-cup of sorrow;
No She saith with hindrance,
She cannot say no to a dearly beloved;
But she felt the less she cared;
She will have independence;
As soon as she flew with the singing trees;
And ocean shimmered with white pebbles;
Like yonder dreams cannot abhor;
Like waters drift closely to the rivers and lake;
She willingly accepted doth reverie will never stay;
Palms sweat of fear;
Tears flow down her pale skin;
She sang a sad farewell;
And inch by inch she slowly fades,
O’ this life’s too cruel to left a woman;
Scarred with nonsense;
She laughed and walked;
Until she loses herself slowly;
She skipped each bit of dancing bells;
She smiled and saith this is my end;
Self, thoughts, emotions
Written by
pseudonym123  25/F/Philippines
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