She’d be 17. Able to watch rated R movies. She would’ve had long brown hair. Just like mine. Dark brown eyes with light flecks. Just like mine. We looked like twins despite the 2 year gap. She would have been my big sister.
I’d dreamed what she might’ve been like If fate hadn’t stolen her from me. Would she have been confident? Trustworthy? Sarcastic? Like me, but also unique? Looks like she never got a chance. Cheated at 45 minutes old. I wish I could’ve met her.
All I have is a sad, stained picture of the body her beautiful soul left behind for us to bury. I recognized her blushed, chubby cheeks. They looked like the ones I had grown up hating in the mirror. Desperation clawing at the eternal blush that stained them. But She taught me to love them.
I never understood the love one could feel for someone you’d never even met. I still don’t. All I know is that it’s there. And it hurts like hell.