Full steam ahead on life! I'm just going to live my life, not waiting for you to be apart of it.
I have too many things to do.
I have too many places to see, people to meet, people to love, people to care for deep.
To wait for you to decide if I'm worth your time, if I'm convenient enough, to meet up for drinks or sushi or to cook you dinner...
You rejected me. I don't need that.
I need someone ready. Someone whose decided. Someone who just wants to. And I want to too.
I'll be honest. The little person in me knew you weren't ready. But I was looking away. I couldn't hear her.
We were good vibes, gazing eyes, and then nothing at all. There's no more time to confront it. I'm already over it. I'm not looking back. It's time to move on. I've already moved on.