You were the honey,
I was the bee,
He was the bear,
I’m trying to make you see,
See what happened there,
He took you from me,
You were mine and
he stole you For himself,
And made you love him,
More than you loved yourself,
That was hard to do,
But you did it for him,
Even though he treated you,
Much worse than I did,
You didn’t batter an eye lid,
You’d lay down for him,
Let him walk all over you,
What a painful view,
Seeing you get hurt,
Time and time again,
I knew you would leave,
I was just waiting for when,
But I didn’t expect you to
Go back to me,
I didn’t know what to say
Exactly, So I told you no,
saved myself from pain,
So you went back to him,
Again and again,