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May 2018
Many poems are of heartfelt sadness,
Poems of heartbreak or a lost love,
That of joy happiness there is an array
Numerous avenues to compose poetry,

It is emotions channeled onto a piece of paper,
It is an expression of the Heart the mind and the soul,
The art of writing or reading poetry begins,
Mastering connotatively in particular poems,

From the most simple to the very complex,
This sounds judicious however it is totally amiss,
The art of reading poetry doesn’t start with thoughts,
Of an historical moments or great philosophies,

It begins with reading the words in thinking or meaning,
Meaning of the art of poetry themselves,
Although poetry or ballad can be intrinsically difficult,
A poet searches momentum to assume proper wording,    

Poems are of different moments subjects heartfelt,  
Example when I write a poem as you will find in mine,
In my poems and books I look for an adherent word to express,
Writings and books I look deep into my soul depending,

The title of an adhered poem should grasp attention,
As to identify fully what the poem is about,
Although we are not large in numbers,
As little as quite a few poems will give insight
On all the most wordy clues in the feelings,
Of your adherent CLUES!
By AG 5/22/2018 (c)By Andrew Guzaldo 05/22/2018 Β©
Andrew Guzaldo c
Written by
Andrew Guzaldo c  59/M/Las Vegas
(59/M/Las Vegas)   
     Lily, ---, Emeka Mokeme, Kim, laura and 2 others
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