If I could have one last dance, To the time of the grass, And the light of the moon, The fog surrounding And a cool frost forming on my skin. I would wonder what love meant in terms of life. How could one love something that hurts them? Maybe that's only my experience with it. I wonder, as my feet cross the floor in your lead If I well someone like me could be loved. Though I know never by you. It would be nice if my last dance was with you. But now I have no more time to wast apon you. I must keep in time with the music of life. To make sure I don't trip over my self in a blunder. With everyone watching I keep my form. They all believe I know what I'm doing, And that's the true beauty in the act of deception, The act of life in general, So while you watch in awe at my pure happiness, I'm secretly planning my last dance with life.