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May 2018

Oh it could well be and it for sure it would be
Even if the sun turned out its lights for real
In the largest crowd wondering searching for you
I'd find for my soul knows how your soul does feel

There is not another love another aura another one
That sends the same loving vibrations through me
Within a crowd of enless my soul would confess thers
Only one electronic seductive love thsts within thee

A most romantic bolt of loves own lightening I feel
Even within the most crowded room I feel it ever so
Words could explain any more than the pain of a flower
Having just been picked instead of allowing it to grow

Or how a dying wave feels upon a shore to disolve
Like a green leaf blown away from its mother tree
Like the parting of a cloud being seperated thus two
Or never heard words never having been in a dictionary

Only as one together for eternity untill times done
Could explain the spontanious combustion of us both
Without any form of a test us two are perfections best
To love as none has in all of time our hearts own oath

As soon as your soul is near my soul it knows no fear
My very heart could measure your distance away from me
Within the blindest of light without a trace of sight
I'd know deeply within that again together we'd be

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Written by
terrence michael sutton  76/M/Philippines
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