The next time you are mucking out the horse stable Stop for a second allow one thought to come to mind God he as well created all those flys all over you Believe it they are not real hard in there to find
Next time your sitting out in the country squatted Away out of sight under a great big old country tree Doing naturally what you really there needed so to do In your jeans you spot a deadly spider looking at thee
The next time half way home from the shop really loaded With several heavy bags as you walked for shop not far And a truck passed splashing you with ***** street water You never knew God would have it rain why take the car
Next time your watching a movie on T V husband away And your naked as a bought chicken visitors arrive You were just before taking a shower a house full Praise the Lord for after all at least your alive
You live in a lovely home with lovely gardens too And the old house next door just got sold its true The worst family of criminals ten kids a pedaphile All now living in there and right next door to you
Remember its said love your neighbor like family They as well have a karioki with big speakers there Full blast day and night all of the time heavy metal Five barking dogs and no fences love life its divine
Kids no respect for others homes their gardens as well They fill your gargage bin with all of theirs too One of the kids is learning drums another saxaphone God wants everyone to get along loving each other true
Next time beer bottles in your garden dog droppies In your garden on driveway their toys in your pool Smile and praise God Over dogs karioki screaming kids Because you know that God loves you and hes no fool
The door bell keeps ringing can I borrow this and that Tools sugar things disaperaing all the time of late Remenber God he wants you to love everyone on earth Regardless who they are rich or poor across the slate
The husband next door now uses binoculars watching you Even through windows in bedrooms too it now seems God wants everyone be good souls kind and conciderate loving one and all to help all obtain of their dreams
Your underwear vanishes from your clothes line too Bras and ******* must be the next doors thing its so Oh God another broken window cricket ball in bedroom In that bible man wrote turn the other cheek let it go
Footballs daddies golf ***** shes 20 stone loves bikinies Its so hot asking mind if use your pool for awhile None of your friends visit anymore endless excuses made Remenber God knows best grin and bare it remember to smile