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May 2018
What would I know about how
slow is slow?

they're drip feeding me aviation fluid,
I'm on a take off forever never getting the rest
that the rest take for granted,

sooner or later and who can tell me when
or how much mileage is there in a modicum,
a conundrum?

we may be reading off the same sheet
but it's you picking the music that we
dance to
and I see through it.

If you're keeping up with me,
taking off with me
grab a glass and let's pass go,
bet you don't know how slow
is slow.

Saturday and
I wake the same way
one eye at a time
a Royal wedding
(said in)
a whisper
there's a lot of haters out there.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
   Keith Wilson
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