There's a picture in my head Of what I looked like then The way I did the day we wed Is all in the expression
You can take it or you can leave it Whatever you find to do The point is now you see it The is me missing you
For what we had together Let no man tear apart You change your mind over time Which in time turned your heart
What we had wasn't meant to last I now know that to be true Still that doesn't change the heartfelt fact This is me missing you
Whether one or lopsided Aren't they both about the same A marriage in route misguided No matter who's to blame
You might have changed the beat While I still hum the tune Since our words we failed to keep This is me missing you
I've been happily married going on 33 years. Most of my poems have nothing to do with me... We'll maybe my last poem "The Pick" Otherwise I just make this stuff up!