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May 2018
My mom told me to be a good boy,
But I am too young and naive
To do what Forbidden.

Outside the fence
I saw two mango trees
branching and blooming.
I would love them for all of my life.

Mango trees seemed to had short lifetime,
I watch my father slowly cut them down
Without any cerebrated

I watch my father cut the trees down,
The mango tree inside my house’s fence.
It grows and grows
As myself getting older

But so sadly,
I won’t see them grows anymore.
The only tree in our house,
Now then no more lively.

My father see the beauty of emptiness,
While myself love the beauty of nature.
Unfortunately, My mom didn’t tell this to father,
And we all forgotten, that we used to have mango trees.
Mubarad Salaeh
Written by
Mubarad Salaeh  25/M/Thailand
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