We are who we are We love who love us We love who hate us We love our Gender
Call us Girls Call us women Call us Ladies We are TransWomen
Stop being confused Stop being surprised Stop calling us He or It We hate that pronoun
We are females we as others We deserve our rights like others We deserve love and affection We deserve Respect like others
We are tired of your nicknames "Is a he or a she", "what is this?" It hurts please stop stop stop! We are fine ladies! Full stop !
You scared our fellow ladies They are crying in closet They are lonely in families Because we are Transgenders!
Stop abusing my brothers They men and so proud to be Don't be confused by what you see A transMan is a powerful Man!
Respect them now and forever Stop calling them ladies or things They are men **** and classy They are men always and forever
See us slaying down town We are lovely and attractive We know who we are friends You can't change us Sit down!
Don't be confused by Breast That the **** chest of our brother! He is strong enough to be proud We love our bodies and gender
We won't hide because you hate us The more you see us feeling proud The better you understand us We are Proud Transgenders!
We ladies need our Freedom Government think about us All women are equal in the country We need all care and attentions!
Stop calling us Monsters We are human beings We deserve our Rights We are citizens like others!
This ain't western culture This ain't Sodoma and Gomollah This is the gender of Us We are Proud Transgender people!
Pastors stop that hate preach That hell you need us to go in That Sodoma you always sing All were from Those Bibles
If you accuse all LGBTI people To bring back ***** or Gomollah First remember that bible you read Was brought by Evangelists
We had gods and goddesses Africa knew no White God We had Love and respect Read , reread and Rereread!
Love wins and will win You are taking us nowhere We are here to stay and slay Ourselves Genger our Pride
We are done by your hate Is our time to shine bright! You gonna hate us today And you will love us later!
TransWomen are women TransMen are Strong men Transgender is a Gender Respect us we hurt no one!
"Transgender Right is Human right TransWomen are women too TransMen are men as well We claim no war but our Freedom We claim no hate but our Respect"
Poet : Skylar G Peter
Poem: we Are Proud Transgender people
Skylar is a 23yo transwoman originally from Rwanda but had recently fled to Uganda. Both countries are very transphobic and homophobic so I can only imagine how much she is struggling especially with her own safety. I would be most grateful if you can at least share this poem as much as you can to raise awareness. Thankyou