Autobiography and memoirs Are more then just a way To share stories They can keep family in touch Sharing yesterday and today Accolades and glories
When we have passed on Your memories will fade in to gone Who will remember our life Our children, husband, wife It’s the memories we share For those to read and care Told directly by you the more you give The Stronger your voice will live
With sites such as Ancestry and family tree Our next Generation can learn and see However Only Legacy story can be told A deeper perspective as we grow old
Writing your autobiography book of short stories,memories to share From youth to old age secrets are there Every emotion from joy to pain Life’s lesson our refrain
If you choose a memoir to share A specific time frame is centered there A detailed event or period Is time Sharing what you learned The good the bad exposing the crime
Everybody has a story to tell Situations create life’s joy or hell an exceptional life have one Every story is different Once you begun
I have kept a journal, diary books since the age 12 twelve I started writing I was hooked Capturing the emotion in the moment Our heart a deap ocean its powerful, accurate writing what I saw Yes sometime exstreamly raw An actual account what you saw did ,feel ,the whole ordeal
In some cases you’ll have to change the names to protect the guilty face it, we’re all guilty of something
People like stories that are based on real events if you seek publication
Carpe Deim Time is of the essence Society is fascinated with Stories of the past Your voice, spirit will last You will be celebrated remembered A relatable story people will grasp